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SKU: 603544

Pepper Black Ground

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Black pepper comes from the berries of the pepper plant. Black, green and white peppercorns are the same fruit, but black pepper is the most pungent and flavourful. Native to India, pepper has played a very important role throughout history and has been a prized spice since ancient times. A pinch of black pepper is added to almost every type of recipe.How to Use:Add a pinch of this ground pepper when cooking. Since it loses its flavor and aroma if cooked for too long, adding it near the end will help to preserve its flavor. Great with steak and venison or in salad dressings.


Black Peppercorns.


No Known Allergens.

All our products may contain traces of allergens due to cross contamination.

Country of Origin

Mixed origin

Storage and Shelf Life

Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Up to 12 months when stored as above.