Cinnamon & Vanilla Protein Porridge

Cinnamon & Vanilla Protein Porridge

1 | bowl

Easy |

Add a fun twist to your daily porridge this sweet but healthy vanilla and cinnamon protein porridge! Recipe and imagery was developed by @formnutrition


🌱 = Get It From The Source

1 tbsp vanilla protein powder 🌱

½ tsp cinnamon 🌱

1/4 tsp vanilla or vanilla extract 🌱

50g oats 🌱

200ml plant-based milk 🌱



1 tbsp almond butter 🌱

Handful of blueberries

Recipe and imagery was developed by @formnutrition


  1. Stir all the ingredients (except for the protein powder) in a saucepan on low heat until creamy.
  2. Once porridge achieves the desired consistency, remove it from heat. Add in the protein, and mix well.
  3. Transfer the porridge into your bowl, add your toppings and enjoy!